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Termites in Spider Web

One species of spider was particularly well-prepared to make the most of the termites’ nuptial flight. A Garden Orb Weaver we spotted had produced a gigantic web, almost two metres in diameter, and was reaping the rewards of an endless supply of termites. She waited in the centre of her web until one inevitably flew into her trap, then raced over to it and immobilised it within seconds. She’d then drag it back to the centre and begin to devour it.

But supply was outstripping demand in the web. She would rarely have time to finish consuming her prey before another hapless termite became ensnared, and the cycle would repeat. When we arrived it was clear she’d already eaten several of them, and at one count she had an additional 14 termites wrapped up and ready to go for later.

The pair of termites in this image were still alive when I photographed them, twitching occasionally as they awaited their fate…

Read more about the nuptial flight of the termite here!

Pair of termites wrapped in the web of a Garden Orb Weaving Spider (Eriophora sp.), Berry Springs, Australia