Fruit-Piercing Moth Caterpillar
"Recognised as one of the world's major fruit pests..."
Fruit-Piercing Moth Caterpillar
"The pair of 'eyes' on each side of the caterpillar has evolved to make it seem..."
Northern Shovel-Nosed Snake
"Ennui, melancholy, weltschmerz – these were the emotions that defined Frank's existence..."
Northern Shovel-Nosed Snake
"All his life, Frank felt apart from the other snakes..."
Northern Shovel-Nosed Snake
"Frank felt a restlessness that he couldn't explain..."
Green Tree Ants with Beetle
"If you look closely, you'll notice they've even recently decapitated the poor thing..."
Processionary Caterpillars
"These caterpillars do have at least one thing in common with ScoMo..."
Brown Tree Snake
"The best way to get a photo of a snake with its tongue out is to..."
Brown Tree Snake
"Brown Tree Snakes are a species of rear-fanged snake..."