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Peacock Katydid


Say hello to the Peacock Katydid – a spectacular insect with three remarkable lines of defence against predators. With its wings down, it perfectly resembles a decomposing leaf, and is almost impossible to differentiate from the leaf-littered forest floor that it typically inhabits.

However, if a predator does happen to spot it, the Peacock Katydid deploys its secret weapon. Raising its wings, it makes itself as large as possible, while revealing two conspicuous eyespots at the tips of the wings.

Finally, if all of that still hasn’t sent the potential threat running for the hills, the katydid reveals its true colours – literally. Rapidly spinning around, it shows off the vibrant colours and patterns contained on the underside of its wings.

Apparently, no two Peacock Katydids have the same wing pattern, ensuring that predators don’t become accustomed to the startling display. Personally, however, I could stare at these stunning creatures all day.

Peacock Katydid (Pterochroza ocellata), Manu Biological Station, Peru