Have you EVER seen a happier pair of frogs?
They just seem so chuffed with themselves. It looks as if they’d been fumbling around hopelessly for some time, and then had just worked out what they were doing when I stumbled upon them.
Frogs in the genus Scinax are hands-down some of the cutest frogs on the planet, and these two are no exception, showing off their photogenic with their big beady eyes and subtle smiles.
When mating, many species of frogs engage in amplexus, which is basically just a scientific term for when spooning leads to forking. The male uses his front legs to hold onto the female, and then fertilises her eggs as she releases them. Isn’t that cute? No, just me? Okay then.

Mating Snouted Tree Frogs (Scinax ictericus), Los Amigos Biological Station, Peru 🇵🇪