On the hunt…
Late one evening, while on a night walk with some amigos at Los Amigos Biological Station, we spotted a stunning Tropical Flat Snake perched on a leaf. We spent a few minutes taking photos, and were just about to move on when we noticed a Green Anole sitting about ten centimetres away, expertly camouflaged on the very next leaf.
And the anole is certainly hoping that it’s expertly camouflaged, because Tropical Flat Snakes love to eat lizards. I’m not sure if our presence ruined the snake’s hunt, or if we helped it to find the anole with all of the extra light. We didn’t hang around to see how the scene played out, so it’s up to your imagination to decide who the victor was…
Amazon Green Anole (Anolis punctatus) with Tropical Flat Snake (Siphlophis compressus), Los Amigos Biological Station, Peru