"This frog is sometimes called the Northern Laughing Tree Frog..."
"We desperately need these reptiles to do as much bonking as possible..."
"There was a sign on arrival which read 'no drones without a permit'..."
"A group of wedgies could almost certainly take you out if they wanted to..."
"The Uru people live on around 120 manmade islands..."
"Each day I returned they became a little more assured that I wasn't a threat..."
"Don't feed Eugene, and don't touch Eugene's baby..."
"Their hunting strategy can be described as 'Does it fit in my mouth?'"
"Just one of the many seemingly magical creatures in Borneo's Danum Valley..."
"Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and saviour Jesus Christ?"
"They typically use a combination of venom and constriction..."
"If you look closely, you'll notice they've even recently decapitated the poor thing..."
"From clean water and safe stoves, to new houses and reforestation..."
"Want to protect the Amazon? Consider visiting a research station..."
"Males have a fascinating courtship display which involves enthusiastically showing off their tramp stamps..."
"Rainbow Bee-Eaters are one of the most beautiful birds in Australia..."
"Did you know that geckos eat their own skin?"
"Almost indistinguishable from a leaf when viewed from above..."
"Termites are truly remarkable creatures..."
"The children of the Uru are some of the happiest I've ever met..."
"The Australian outback is swarming with STD-ridden dinosaurs..."
"This is my favourite park in Lima for several reasons, and four of them are in this photo..."
"Trained dogs are responsible for searching cargo ships departing from Guam..."
"I'm just gonna come right out and say it... female mosquitoes suck!"
"Found in the rainforests of Northern Queensland..."