"Hummingbird mating displays often involve intricate aerial performances..."
"Welcome to another edition of Things That Don't Look Like Spiders But Are Actually Still Spiders..."
"Have you ever pretended to be a zombie in order to avoid interacting with people?"
"Hummingbirds are some of the most brightly coloured animals on the planet..."
"Here they're called pingüinos (pronounced 'ping-gween-ohs'), which is frankly adorable..."
"It took three nights before I finally caught my first glimpse of this incredible spider..."
"This astonishing amphibian is the Green-Eyed Tree Frog..."
"There is a single dominant female who mates with all the mature males..."
"Most of the manual labour in Peru tends to fall to women..."
"These mushrooms have some, uhhh, unique features..."
"A flamingo's diet has a remarkable influence on what they look like..."
"The number of people living in extreme poverty in Guatemala has actually increased..."
"Inti Raymi is an ancient Inca festival which venerates the sun god, Inti..."
"Using chemical receptors to detect the trails..."
"Photographed at Crocodylus Village in North Queensland's Daintree Rainforest..."
"A group of wedgies could almost certainly take you out if they wanted to..."
"The sun’s rays in this photo mostly obscure one of the larger mine sites..."
"Male bees will bunch together in groups of up to 25 in order to sleep..."
"Found in the rainforests of Northern Queensland..."
"The anole is certainly hoping that it's expertly camouflaged..."
"This is a secretive bird that will typically shy away from humans..."