What is Brodie Hopkins Media?
I’m Brodie, and I don’t like writing ‘About’ sections, because boxes and labels make me feel claustrophobic.
However, I guess I wouldn’t complain if you said I was a photographer, storyteller, videographer, documentary-maker, writer, journalist, naturalist, or conservationist. On a more philosophical level, I’m probably not going to disagree if you call me an idealist, (eco)socialist, humanist, pluralist, globalist, secularist, environmentalist, or existentialist. But please place a rather large asterisk next to all of these terms, and if you’re unsure, just call me Brodie.
One label I will gladly embrace, however, is “restless”. I find this tiny speck of water and dirt we live on to be endlessly enthralling, and it fills me with a kind of itchy curiosity – and it’s an itch that I’d never want to buy a cream for, even if there was one. From people and places, to wildlife and the natural environment, I’m driven by a constant urge to document the never-ending beauty of this world, and share its hidden wonders.
But like anyone with a pair of eyeballs and penchant for rationality, I’m also deeply concerned about the direction we’re heading as a global community. The interwoven scourges of inequality and biodiversity loss are yanking at the very foundations of everything I love about this world, and to share the beauty without tackling the beast would be deeply self-indulgent.
That’s why, in addition to taking pretty pictures of weird bugs (undoubtedly my true calling in life), I also run a project called Protect The World. Every month, I profile an incredible not-for-profit organisation that’s making the world a better place. I share their stories through documentaries, articles and podcasts, and then, thanks to people like you, I also give them as much money as I can.
Ultimately, it’s not the beauty or the tragedy of our world that I find most captivating. Rather, it’s that complex, nuanced, gritty grey space in the middle that I feel compelled to keep exploring.
I hope that my work will often make you smile, sometimes make you think, and every now and then, perhaps even encourage you to take action, in whatever way you can.
You can follow along on Instagram or Facebook – or you can subscribe to the newsletter – and if you’d like to support my work, you can also sign up to the Patreon for as little as $5 a month.
If you’d like to say hi, please drop me a line any time at brodiehopkinsmedia@gmail.com
Much love,
Brodie ❤️