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Spectacled Owl

Alright, I almost didn’t bother posting this photo. I don’t mind birds, but I think they’re generally way overrepresented when it comes to wildlife photography. I definitely appreciate to the absolute fervour bordering on religiosity with which birders approach their passion – I just think all animals deserve that kind of attention.

Consequently, for me to post a bird, it has to be a particularly cool bird, or a particularly cool photo. This image of a Spectacled Owl wasn’t really either (no offence, Spectacled Owl). So why have I shared it with you?

Well, I happened to be doing a bit of research on the species, and I came across this absolute gem of an excerpt from the Spectacled Owl’s Wikipedia page. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did – it’s a real hoot! (Or should I say, ker-WHEEER)

“The primary sound made by the Spectacled Owl consists of guttural knocking or tapping sounds with a popping effect: PUP-pup-pup-pup-po, POK pok pok bog bog bog bobobo or BOO Boo boo boo boo… Females also make a hawk-like scream with an emphasis on the drawn-out second syllable, ker-WHEEER, which has often been compared to a steam-whistle.”

Naturally, this incredible piece of writing led me down a rabbit hole. Apparently birders do this with all birds!

For your amusement, please enjoy this collection of my favourite descriptions of bird noises. Be sure to read them out loud for the full experience…

Barn Swallow: “Witt-witt splee-plink”

Red-Winged Blackbird: “Chortle-deeeee conk-a-reeee tseer, tseer”

Mourning Dove: “Hooo-ah hoo-hoo-hoo chirry-chirry-chirry-choreeo”

Purple Martin: “Tchew-wew, pew pew, choo, cher, zweet zwack”

Canada Goose: “Honk, honk, honk”

While I still think birds don’t deserve special status over the rest of the animal kingdom, I do think that non-avian naturalists need to up their game to reach the levels of unparalleled joy that birders are clearly experiencing.

Spectacled Owl (Pulsatrix perspicillata), Reserva Nacional Pacaya Samiria, Peru