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Sarawak State Assembly Building

Kuching is a charming riverside city located in Borneo’s southern Sarawak district. Lacking the hustle and bustle of Malaysia’s other major cities, Kuching is an ideal starting point for a journey to Borneo – with day trips to Bako and Kubah National Parks easily manageable.

The golden State Assembly Building stands imposingly over the city of Kuching. Completed in 2009 and costing over US$60 million, the colossal structure looks remarkably out of place among the surrounding markets and food stalls on the opposite bank of the Sarawak River.

Nevertheless, the building is the scene of a water fountain display, synchronised to music (and local tourism ads) which occurs twice a night, every single night – three times on weekends!

If synchronised water fountains are your thing, you (probably) won’t be disappointed. If not, I wouldn’t bend over backwards to see it.

Kuching, Borneo