"Rainbow Bee-Eaters are one of the most beautiful birds in Australia..."
"Frogs are complex beings that don't deserve to be objectified on account of their eyeballs..."
"Ennui, melancholy, weltschmerz – these were the emotions that defined Frank's existence..."
"The King Vulture's closest evolutionary relative is the mighty Andean Condor..."
"The anole is certainly hoping that it's expertly camouflaged..."
"When Hermit Crabs rocked up to the first annual evolutionary beach party, they were shocked..."
"These snakes are particularly adept hunters of microbats..."
"Despite being one of the most magically mesmerising frogs I've ever seen..."
"They typically use a combination of venom and constriction..."
"This is the most venomous spider in the Americas..."
"Wandering Spiders should be approached with the utmost caution and respect..."
"The Rhinoceros Hornbill is a lot like a Tinder date that doesn't quite live up to expectations..."
"Grassroots Humanitarian Aid for an Overlooked Crisis..."
"A group of wedgies could almost certainly take you out if they wanted to..."
"This is one of the most amazing evolutionary stories I've come across..."
"The culling of kangaroos has long been a contentious issue in Victorian politics..."
"Hummingbird mating displays often involve intricate aerial performances..."
"Most of the manual labour in Peru tends to fall to women..."
"I always thought that the Children's Python was called that because it's a good pet for children..."
"Up there as one of the cutest things I have ever seen..."
"These bees will chomp down on a branch in order to sleep..."
"Bear-based conservation in the Peruvian Andes..."