"Reflecting on the time spent in Borneo's Danum Valley, it's definitely bittersweet..."
"The female wolf spider puts human parents to shame..."
"Australia's bushfires and floods are only going to worsen in the years to come..."
"The jury's still out on who the cleverer creature is..."
"Eastern Grey Kangaroos are one of Australia's largest marsupials..."
"I do not think, therefore I am a moustache..."
"We desperately need these reptiles to do as much bonking as possible..."
"Using chemical receptors to detect the trails..."
"Conservation and Community Collaboration on the Osa Peninsula..."
"This image captures the final light that will ever enter the lizard's eyes..."
"Look at this butterfly and its adorable little fluffy moustache..."
"It turns out it's rather difficult to distinguish between a Blind Snake's head and its butt..."
"Once a pair of termites have found each other, they both shed their wings..."
"When Hermit Crabs rocked up to the first annual evolutionary beach party, they were shocked..."
"Just be prepared to have everything you're carrying stolen..."
"He's got big puppy-dog eyes with a vibrantly coloured butt..."
"A typical female of this species is permanently pregnant..."
"This is the most venomous spider in the Americas..."
"Here they're called pingüinos (pronounced 'ping-gween-ohs'), which is frankly adorable..."